
A list of courses I have taught as Instructional Aide (IA):

EECS 461  Embedded Control Systems (Winter 2023)
EECS 373  Introduction to Embedded System Design (Fall 2022)

A partial list of the courses I have taken:

EECS 467  Autonomous Robotics
EECS 461  Embedded Control Systems
EECS 497  Human-centered Software
EECS 498  Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists
EECS 498  Deep Learning for Computer Vision
EECS 498  Introduction to Algorithmic Robotics
EECS 482  Introduction to Operating Systems
EECS 373  Introduction to Embedded System Design
EECS 370  Introduction to Computer Organization
EECS 301  Probabilistic Methods in Engineering
EECS 281  Data Structures and Algorithms
EECS 216  Signals and Systems

ECON 401  Intermediate Microeconmics